
From Electromagnetic Field



  • Coordinator responsibilities
    • proposal: when a coordinator cannot attend a weekly meeting they need to find an alternate by mid-day, and brief them
    • proposal: every coordinator not in London gets a designated local contact, to avoid confusion.
      • Russ offers designated contact for Beeny
  • Internet: natm talked to a Bluesquare contact, they're interested! (Jasper has details.) Is help with Internet access reason enough to break our "no free tickets" rule?
  • need to check regulatory requirements for self-made power boxes
  • how can we include local MK community?
  • kids: do we allow / age range limitations? how much do we charge for kids?
  • need to start planning villages (did someone volunteer for that?)
  • should organise Skype call or meeting with organisers of HAR, CCC etc
  • how much rubbish do we expect to produce? Pls contribute to Rubbish
  • Consider Timeline
  • Ticket Sales/Payments


Attendees: Crypt, Martind, Aden, Jasper, Jonty, Paul, Russ


  • Crypt has spreadsheet which he will publish early this week
  • Emptying and cleaning - Recommended emptying once on middle day for a 3 day event (what about the lesser number onsite before afterwards? also we are now talking about a 4 day event in reality...)
  • Cleaning can be down ourselves with a hosepipe - we need a hosepipe, volunteers etc.
  • Decision: 10 toilets + 4 urinals
  • Will the delivery vehicle fit under bridge? Russ to confirm height. Crypt to check vehicle
  • 4 suppliers (2 only do toilets, 2 do toilets /and/ fencing)


  • 20% deposit required
  • Can the fencing people to drop them around the site? We can put them up, but need the panels and bases distributed ideally. If they can't do this this is a big issue... Will require a lot of manpower. Crypt to check details on this.
  • Paul to confirm with BMXers that they won't use the site.
  • RFID tags worth considering but £500 rather than £100, interesting data point


  • Jasper to chase up Bluesq contact
  • Equipment: Simon(?) has 2 Cisco switches to add to stash. And a pair to loan from BlueSQ.
  • Estimated ethernet ports needed: 150-200
  • Wifi kit needed
  • Aden and Crypt to contact Cisco.
  • Jasper to email uknot and be trolled but hopefully get some good leads :)
  • Event management plan is progressing Russ and Martind to speak with net audio also include sponsorship pack questions

  • Logo contest: 2 designers on short list? There will probably be no logo before presales.
  • Martind to meet with more designers


  • A&A sponsorship needs following up - Jonty to chase up drrk and plett on IRC
  • Could A&A/Other provide a backup Internet option? or Money?
  • Royal mail to sponsor hack camp? Requires discussion. Jonty to reply.
  • What do sponsors get/want?
  • Jonty has uploaded his pictures
  • Russ has made a Timeline/milestones page on the wiki
    • Event finishes at 12:00 Monday. This makes it more like a 4 day event in terms of hire charges etc


  • We need to have a coordinator for things - Most people local, but delegates for those who aren't
  • Make a wiki page with a responsibility matrix - Paul to do


  • Some progress...
  • Onsite power supply? Assume we can't use it for now. Benny to look into details. Budget as if this doesn't exist
  • Distribution and relevant legislation research ongoing. Use meter cabinets for power distribution. Build vs hire. Might be tight for networking kit. £20-30 to buy
  • What is the largest generator that will fit under the bridge?


  • Russ spoke to MKPT about using under bridge and field other side. Seems fine. Need to let them know what we are using them for
  • Site visit. To be organised by Jonty for those who haven't seen the site
  • How can we include the local community? Amateur radio, astronomy club etc? FE college? Jonty to research. Buckinghamshire *. Cranfield Uni, Bletchley, Open Uni?


  • Requires a lot of extra work. All children will pay full price. Wait for survey results, but need decision before we sell tickets
  • What threshold do we consider too much for the event? (In terms of overhead,cost,time etc.) 10%? (50 children!)


  • Planning villages needs to start. Need a coordinator. Need to take into account specific requirements such as power, networking, space etc
  • Site planner
  • Tents coordinator
  • Talks coordinator (Is martind)
  • Concessions coordinator
    • Concessions will be provided with power and water only. Need to book people in
    • Food requires safety certs etc need to be checked


  • MKPT are OK to put standing water pipe in
  • Anglian Water quoted around £700+VAT
  • Need signed letter from MKPT to continue with this. Russ to coordinate with MKPT and Anglian Water
  • Showers? Probably not but might as well get prices
  • Where does run off from sinks go? Drainage needs to be dealt with. Russ to investigate
  • We should probably call CCC and HAR etc. Skype call? Email? Jonty needs contacts.
    • We need a list of questions to ask


  • Paul to ask Will-h about rubbish
    • Russ to look into recycling
    • What about coals/BBQs disposal?
  • There will be no glass onsite
  • We are soon going to try to take money for presales tickets.
    • Gocardless will be used for most (but requires a UK bank account)
  • Still need card processors. Who did CCC use? No Bitcoin.


  • 5 simple questions from Jonty. To be published ASAP.


  • Still needs to be sorted...
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